Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Annual 8

Well Fellas it's that time of year again, time for the greatest, most awe-inspiring, majestic, wondrous, terrific, grand, incredible, impressive, magnificent, mind-blowing weekend of the year. Yes that is right it is time for "The Annual." For those of you who have not been counting at home it is actually Ocho Annual. And for all you morons out there ocho = eight
(I think...I took French...not Spanish).

Most of you have now wet your pants with excitement because you have experienced "The Annual" before and understand how wonderful it is. Then there are some of you who are allergic to fun (Travis Nelson, Matt Beneda, Ross Hammer"ed" Carrie Baier, Andy Lindstrom & Mitch Deere) and came once and never returned. And still there are others who have never attended do
to lack of ability to contact you or because you think there are better things to do, which there aren't (Travis Lindgren). I will now try to explain "The Annual" for those who are not familiar with it.

Kegs, drinking, Cabin, drinking, Liquor, drinking, Final Four on TV, drinking. Besides this it provides a great chance to relive all your Mayville glory days or continue to complain about a certain coach who had no idea what he was doing and always screwed players over the second year they were there. Even better than this we somehow find time to get drunk and create new story to relive (Andy I don't care who swears by it, no one else wants to eat-out a girls ass). So that is my "Annual" summary.

So here is the first official "Annual" email of 2008. I hope to get a plethora of responses to this ASAP. I truly am ashamed of myself for not sending out mass-emails earlier. I am also very disappointed in all the other past MVPs for not stepping up to the plate to get the ball rolling. Steve I know you are preoccupied and I give you a pass for that. But everyone else needs to get off of their lazy, chip eating(Krebs), high school girl watching (Derek), junior high school girl stalking (Preston), baby making (Adam & Steve), bulimic (Joe), Albino baseball playing (Hills),
getting a fat ass because all I do is golf (Lindy), four fingered (no need for name), Jen Lokin loving (Stuart), chuck knoblauch loving asses and take part in some conversation. "The Annual" is only 43 days away so let's get on with it. I now will sign off.

A Former MVP,

Brady Langemo

If you are a dipshit and didn't figure it out this email invites you to "The Annual." Not that invitations are needed (yet).

I expect an email from "THE FOUNDER" soon.

Where in the hell is the "Top 10 Reasons the Annual Can't Get Here any
Quicker" email Thunder?

Do you realize if Hills & Whitey both come we will have two albinos at "The Annual." That's almost as crazy as the year we had to Asians.

For all those dicks who didn't come to Virginia in October, I am married and you missed a pretty decent party if I do say so myself. Derek slept next to a girl (OMG, LOL, BRB, KEWL).

Monday, January 21, 2008

This years "Jackets"

As of next weekend our house will be sold,  during the move I came across my old letterman jacket and that got me thinking that instead of just retiring these to the closet for the rest of their lives its time to break them out for The Annual.   So it is my suggestion that if you own a letterman jacket we should definitely wear them to this years Annual. 


Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Seeing how this works

Just thought I'd check and see if I understood how this complicated process works. In case you didn't already know I was at the Duke game on Sunday. Steve saw Frannie & I on TV. We were the people wearing blue & white. If this works and gets posted I'll contemplate posting pictures in the near future. Buckle up boys the Annual is less than 3 months away.


Wednesday, January 9, 2008

What up players

So are we allowed to bring homosexual people to the annual????


Friday, January 4, 2008

Date of the Annual

For those of you who don't know or don't remember, Andy, the annual is on April 5th - 7th. This is set to coincide with Final Four weekend, and not with the coming of Mac McMullen. If it does we will have to figure something out. Look for this site to have up coming posts, such as Top 10 reasons why the annual can get here soon enough.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Annual VIII

Ok, Welcome 2008. The only thing that has gotten me this far has been, you guessed it...The Annual, and Doritos. 2007 proved to be a productive year. An annual MVP got married, a future Annual MVP is on his/her way, there was some cupping and two MVP's kissed on New Years. One person became obsessed with "The Office" another with Rock Band. Still after all this some things haven't changed. Some people still have 4 fingers, some are still bigger then Chuck Knoblouch. Through all this we have prevailed and look forward to another successful annual. We have a new site. I hope people will stick with it. We will have frequent posts that everyone can contribute to and every one can add comments. I hope everyone continues to check it out. There will be new polls all the time. Looking forward to it. Feel free to stay fuck.